Tag Archives: Jetstar

Do you miss the ‘Good Ol Days’ of the airlines? Well, pay up!

I am sick & tired of hearing people lament the passing of the “good ol’ days” of flying on airliners, when people would dress up and service was fantastic and the seats were roomier. Sadly they must be having selective … Continue reading

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Qantas: A level playing field means no more cross-funding Jetstar

You know, I’m over all this bullshit about Qantas being in trouble & needing government assistance to provide a level playing field. Let’s call the bullshit as it stands: Qantas has been gutted to try & launch Jetstar and the … Continue reading

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Fantastic Plastic: 787 ZA003 DreamTour

Today I attended the 787 DreamTour event at Melbourne airport thanks to an invitation from Qantas & Jetstar. What a fantastic time I had, especially as I was able to bring a few of the Plane Crazy Down Under team … Continue reading

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Getting on the Dreamliner

I’ve just been invited by Qantas & Jetstar to come and view the 787 Dreamliner when it’s in Melbourne on Sunday. Neat! This won’t be my first encounter with Boeing’s latest airliner as I got up close & personal with … Continue reading

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If it’s New, it’s JQ!

I’ve spoken before about the on-going Jetstarisation of Qantas and despite Alan Joyce’s previous comments to the effect that there would be no further “jetstarisation,” recent developments certainly seem to indicate that this is not the case. We’ve previously joked … Continue reading

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How fast the tables turn

It wasn’t that long ago that Virgin Blue could do no wrong in the eyes of the mainstream media while Qantas was being hounded over any little maintenance issue and its rapidly falling loads. How times change. In the past … Continue reading

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Ongoing Jetstarisation of QANTAS

According to Alan Joyce from QANTAS, the “Jetstarisation of QANTAS” is supposed to be over. Well, I have a problem with that as I continue to see evidence that, if anything, the “Jetstarisation” is increasing. I would not be surprised … Continue reading

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