Tag Archives: a330

Shakey Alliances for Virgin Blue

John Borghetti at Virgin Blue is getting some bad news lately with both the Department of Transport and the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission raising objections to proposed alliances. The DoT have said they don’t like the look of the … Continue reading

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Even with flight computers, you can over stress an Airbus tail

Remember the American Airlines A300 that crashed in the US after the vertical stabiliser broke off? The co-pilot over stressed the tail by pumping the rudders in an attempt to get out of wake-turbulence. In a similar situation in 2008, … Continue reading

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Freaky ADIRU Behaviour Near Perth

As some of you may be aware, on October 7th 2008 a QANTAS A330 traveling from Singapore to Perth was about 154km west of Learmouth, West Australia when it entered a rapid descent, causing unsecured items & people to float … Continue reading

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Fly me to the moon

I’ve just returned home from about 5 hours spent flying a 737-800 around Australia and NZ. It was, of course, a flight simulator – this time a fixed-base simulator that’s built around a collection of computers running MS Flight Simulator … Continue reading

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