Tag Archives: 787

Fantastic Plastic: 787 ZA003 DreamTour

Today I attended the 787 DreamTour event at Melbourne airport thanks to an invitation from Qantas & Jetstar. What a fantastic time I had, especially as I was able to bring a few of the Plane Crazy Down Under team … Continue reading

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Getting on the Dreamliner

I’ve just been invited by Qantas & Jetstar to come and view the 787 Dreamliner when it’s in Melbourne on Sunday. Neat! This won’t be my first encounter with Boeing’s latest airliner as I got up close & personal with … Continue reading

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Boeing 787 vs De Haviland Comet – Will History Repeat?

I know I’ve said it before, but this latest news from Jon Ostrower (aka FlightBlogger) about the recent Boeing 787 delay being due to a design flaw in the tail really makes me wonder if the 787 isn’t doomed to … Continue reading

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Is the Boeing 787 the new Comet?

With the recent announcement from Boeing that the first flight of their 787 was to be delayed due to structural issues in the wing box area, many of us knew right away it was a major show-stopper issue. Boeing made … Continue reading

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