Category Archives: Commentary

Where I rant & rave, making usually snide, sarcastic comments on things

Preparing for Avalon 2017

Every two years the Australian International Air Show is hosted at Avalon Airport to the west of Melbourne. Generally referred to simply as “Avalon” or “Avalon Air Show,” the event comprises a trade show (the Australian International Aerospace & Defence … Continue reading

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The Airbus A350 XWB in Australia

We were recently contracted by Airbus to shoot video of the A350 XWB on its first arrivals into Sydney & Perth. The aircraft was MSN5 (the 5th test aircraft in the fleet) and it was in the middle of its … Continue reading

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Heritage Recognition for B24 Restoration Project & its Hangar

In my role as co-host & producer of the Plane Crazy Down Under aviation show, I’ve been fortunate to have a few visits of the B24 Liberator Restoration Project‘s hangar in Werribee. A group of enthusiastic volunteers have been working … Continue reading

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So, were there EVER any Spitfires buried in Burma?

Back in April 2012 there was a bit of excitement in the aviation world, especially amongst those who love old World War II aircraft. This was when the news was running that a collection of Spitfires had been buried in … Continue reading

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Do you miss the ‘Good Ol Days’ of the airlines? Well, pay up!

I am sick & tired of hearing people lament the passing of the “good ol’ days” of flying on airliners, when people would dress up and service was fantastic and the seats were roomier. Sadly they must be having selective … Continue reading

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Is Working at an Airshow Really Work?

I’ve just been down at Tyabb Airport this evening where the Tyabb Airshow 2014 planning committee were meeting at the Peninsular Aero Club. Once again we’ll be covering the airshow for our Plane Crazy Down Under aviation show so I … Continue reading

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Qantas: A level playing field means no more cross-funding Jetstar

You know, I’m over all this bullshit about Qantas being in trouble & needing government assistance to provide a level playing field. Let’s call the bullshit as it stands: Qantas has been gutted to try & launch Jetstar and the … Continue reading

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Delivering Christmas Cheer to Melbourne

For many, Christmas is a time of family and gift giving/receiving. While that is important, my favourite thing about Christmas is that I get to go & distribute some “Christmas Cheer” to various aviation related groups in Melbourne :) My … Continue reading

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ALAANZ Seminar with Minister Gordon Rich-Phillips

I was invited to attend an Aviation Law Association of Australia & New Zealand (ALAANZ) Victorian Branch seminar featuring the Honorable Gordon Rich-Phillips, Victoria’s State Minister for the Aviation Industry as guest speaker. The seminar was held on the 21st … Continue reading

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Montgolfier Day, 2013

Happy Montgolfier Day! On this day in 1783, the first free flight by humans in a hot air balloon was recorded in Paris, France as Pilatre de Rozier & Francois d’Arlandes flew a Montgolfier balloon to an altitude of 3,000′ … Continue reading

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