About Me

Pondering great thoughts? Nope, more wondering where I'll wind up if the tether rope breaks :)

Pondering great thoughts? Nope, more wondering where I’ll wind up if the tether rope breaks :)

I’m an aviation geek (#AvGeek) with a rather bad case of aeroneurophycosis. Flying & aircraft have been a part of my life since I was a kid so I’m totally hooked on all things aviation.

I am a hot air balloon pilot (private) & have a Maintenance Authority from CASA that allows me to inspect & repair balloons. I hold a student pilot license for fixed wing general aviation aircraft and have done a few hours of gliding back in the 80s. I’d love to finish my glider rating, get my fixed wing rating, update to seaplane and maybe even throw in gyrocopter license.

Clearly I have dreams & one day I may even have the money to make them happen. I also have opinions and I’m not (usually :) ) afraid to voice them.

This site is where I post my comments, articles, flight reports, views & updates related to aviation.

You can also find me over at the Plane Crazy Down Under show where I’m co-host & producer along with my friend Steve Visscher.

On most forums & Twitter, I can usually be found under the handle “Falcon124” and there is a reason behind that. You can find out why I chose that handle by reading my “Why Falcon124” page :)

Feel free to Contact Me or visit the Plane Crazy Down Under ‘Contact Us’ page if you’d rather do something official :)

Steve & Grant on the 787 ZA003's Flight Deck

Steve & Grant on the 787 ZA003’s Flight Deck

The motley crew from PCDU just before heading home from AusFly 2013

The motley crew from PCDU just before heading home from AusFly 2013

Clothing that references Plane Crazy and AOPA? Score! :)

Clothing that references Plane Crazy and AOPA? Score! :)

A helicopter that's big enough to carry my fat butt! :)

A helicopter that’s big enough to carry my fat butt! :)

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