Tag Archives: 707

Is the Boeing 787 the new Comet?

With the recent announcement from Boeing that the first flight of their 787 was to be delayed due to structural issues in the wing box area, many of us knew right away it was a major show-stopper issue. Boeing made … Continue reading

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Avalon Airshow 2007 – Day 8

Another beautiful day at Avalon Airport – even better than yesterday. Today was my last day with the Airshow, working to help the remaining aircraft leave. I arrived early and walked around taking some “early morning” photos of the large … Continue reading

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Avalon Airshow 2007 – Day 3

Day 3 of this airshow can be summarised by one thing: crazy lighties… The day was running reasonably slowly so we took a break down near the entrance to Bravo. Soon enough, we had a number of light aircraft (Cessna’s, … Continue reading

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Avalon Airshow 2007 – Day 2

Another day at Avalon started with rain on the way down and a few very light showers at first. Once they stopped, it was cool for the first half and then warmed up around midday. On arrival I went to … Continue reading

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