Tag Archives: balloons

On the importance of checking paperwork & Grade 3 Instructor limitations

First printed in Aeronotes (the Official Journal of the Australian Ballooning Federation) Volume 38 No 1 (March, 2016) as a guide for student pilots, instructors and examiners. There is a phrase that goes something like “Assumption is the mother of … Continue reading

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Talking Ballooning with Adam @ Go Flying Australia

I first met Adam from the Go Flying Australia podcast in Canberra when I was visiting for the Canberra Balloon Spectacular in March 2015. We caught up for beers at a local pub and talked about flying and also producing … Continue reading

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Montgolfier Day, 2014 – Another year done :)

Happy Montgolfier Day once again :) It’s hard to believe that another year has shot past since last I made a post about the celebration of the anniversary of the first manned ascent in a hot air balloon. It’s also … Continue reading

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Flying over Leeton in Easter is highly recommended

Back in Easter I was flying the Zolvix balloon (VH-ZOV – aka “Sheep Dip”) over Leeton as part of the Sunrice Festival. Held every two years, the event draws people from far & wide for many attractions to see & … Continue reading

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The Lake 2012: Day 2: Brisk n Windy

Once again another “oh-dark-thirty” wake up and prepare for whatever the day could provide us. I grabbed my muesli bar & piece of fruit “first breakfast” before we all headed over to the briefing room to see what the weather … Continue reading

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The Lake 2012: Day 1: Back to the Burners

It’s just before 6am and everyone’s staggering into the briefing room for the first welcome & weather briefing. Morning briefing on Day 1 always starts a bit earlier & runs a bit longer so we can get the overview & … Continue reading

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The Lake 2012: Day 0: It’s a Bloody Long Drive!

They say that every journey starts with a single step & my first step to get to Mildura was getting to the Picture This Ballooning shed before 6am to pick up the Toyota Troopy 4WD & balloon I was taking … Continue reading

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Going to “The Lake”

The Australian Ballooning Federation are working with the Mildura International Balloon Fiesta to host “The Lake” event at Lake Cullulleraine near Mildura in the “Mallee” region of north-west Victoria. If you’re wondering just where that might be, check out the … Continue reading

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2010-07-04 – Halo on the Clouds – Mildura – VH-BLQ (77)

This was my first flight with Pete Wright (my other instructor) and included a climb to 4,000′ AGL where we found ourselves above a thin layer of stratus, seeing our shadow on the cloud with a rainbow halo around the … Continue reading

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2010-07-03 – Shifting Evening Winds – Mildura – VH-BLQ (77)

This was an afternoon flight where the light winds shifted dramatically part way through, making us reassess our route & target landing spot. I was at Mildura as part of the Australian Ballooning Federation’s “The Lake 2010” event Here’s my … Continue reading

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