Montgolfier Day, 2014 – Another year done :)

Happy Montgolfier Day once again :)

It’s hard to believe that another year has shot past since last I made a post about the celebration of the anniversary of the first manned ascent in a hot air balloon. It’s also hard to believe that I’ve not posted anything to my blog since August!

Montgolfier Balloon of 1783 (Public domain image via Wikipedia)

Montgolfier Balloon of 1783
(Public domain image via Wikipedia)

I blame it on being too busy at work, trying to get out & go flying and keeping up with other aviation events. I’ll get around to writing about a few of them over the next few weeks (I hope :) )

Meanwhile, let’s celebrate the fact that thanks to the Montgolfier brothers those of us who fly aerostats are able to out rank fixed wing pilots. After all, we’ve been looking down on people since 1783. They’ve only being doing it since 1903 :) :)

Now, where did I put that bottle of champagne? :)

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