Category Archives: balloons

Postings related to ballooning

Published in the 2017 Sport Aviation Close Calls booklet

The Civil Aviation Safety Authority here in Australia (our version of the US’ FAA) prints a number of “Close Calls” stories in their various publications. The objective is to present stories where a pilot came close to an accident so … Continue reading

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Talking Ballooning with Adam @ Go Flying Australia

I first met Adam from the Go Flying Australia podcast in Canberra when I was visiting for the Canberra Balloon Spectacular in March 2015. We caught up for beers at a local pub and talked about flying and also producing … Continue reading

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Montgolfier Day, 2014 – Another year done :)

Happy Montgolfier Day once again :) It’s hard to believe that another year has shot past since last I made a post about the celebration of the anniversary of the first manned ascent in a hot air balloon. It’s also … Continue reading

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Flying over Leeton in Easter is highly recommended

Back in Easter I was flying the Zolvix balloon (VH-ZOV – aka “Sheep Dip”) over Leeton as part of the Sunrice Festival. Held every two years, the event draws people from far & wide for many attractions to see & … Continue reading

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Flying in the Hunter Valley Fiesta: another ballooning article

Back in October 2013, Kitt & I went to the Hunter Valley Balloon Fiesta north of Sydney where I flew VH-BRR (a Kavanagh E-120) and we got to experience the food, beers & views of the Hunter region. As you … Continue reading

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My first published hot air ballooning article: Getting to 20

My first article about flying hot air balloons was published back in September last year (2013). It appeared in Volume 35, Issue 3 of Aeronotes, the official journal of the Australian Ballooning Federation. The topic of the article was “Getting … Continue reading

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Delivering Christmas Cheer to Melbourne

For many, Christmas is a time of family and gift giving/receiving. While that is important, my favourite thing about Christmas is that I get to go & distribute some “Christmas Cheer” to various aviation related groups in Melbourne :) My … Continue reading

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Montgolfier Day, 2013

Happy Montgolfier Day! On this day in 1783, the first free flight by humans in a hot air balloon was recorded in Paris, France as Pilatre de Rozier & Francois d’Arlandes flew a Montgolfier balloon to an altitude of 3,000′ … Continue reading

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Interview with a Balloonatic

Back in June 2013 I took Kathy Mexted for her first ever balloon flight. It was also my first flight over the Bacchus Marsh area and the first time I’ve ever done circuits (complete with a touch-n-go) in a balloon … Continue reading

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The Lake 2012: Day 2: Brisk n Windy

Once again another “oh-dark-thirty” wake up and prepare for whatever the day could provide us. I grabbed my muesli bar & piece of fruit “first breakfast” before we all headed over to the briefing room to see what the weather … Continue reading

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