Tag Archives: blog

Experience This! (if you dare)

As some of you may know, I’ve been pretty busy over the past couple of weeks working on a new hush-hush project. Well, the wraps finally came off the other night at a soft-launch so now I can tell you … Continue reading

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All my eggs in one basket

Given I’ve been involved in flying adventures for quite some time before I started this blog, I’ve wound up with a number of entries about flying over on my regular blog. I decided to split off my flying related activities … Continue reading

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What’s it like to be the Flight Dispatcher?

Thanks to a mention on Aviatrix’s blog I’ve found the blog of a flight dispatcher, the person on the ground who helps coordinate all the action on the ground. We’ve all seen the stories from the pilots and the cabin … Continue reading

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And so it begins (sorta)

This post marks the start of my aviation related blogging. I actually started this blog in 2008 but had a number of aviation related posts on my other blog. While they’re all still there, I’ve also put copies of them … Continue reading

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