Category Archives: photos

Cracker flight in a Cirrus SR22 G3 from Moorabbin Airport

A couple of weeks ago, I went for a flight with my friend Evan in a Cirrus SR22 G3, which is a four seat general aviation (GA) aircraft. This particular aircraft is registered VH-KJN and amusingly referred to as “Cajun” … Continue reading

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Fantastic Plastic: 787 ZA003 DreamTour

Today I attended the 787 DreamTour event at Melbourne airport thanks to an invitation from Qantas & Jetstar. What a fantastic time I had, especially as I was able to bring a few of the Plane Crazy Down Under team … Continue reading

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Nice Hangar! :)

Our Yarra Valley operation has started making use of some space in a hangar at Lilydale (YLIL) to store our equipment and a few of us dropped by yesterday to check it out before the separating walls go up. This … Continue reading

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Aerobatics for my birthday

Late last year my 42nd birthday came around and, while the number 42 has deep, universal meaning, I didn’t arrange any major, special celebrations. Kitt, however, did decide to buy me some time flying aerobatics with Andrew Temby in his … Continue reading

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Bolshoi, Comrade

I got word this morning from Carlo at Flight Experience Melbourne that he’d just arrived at Melbourne airport (YMML) and seen an Antonov parked on the ramp. Talk about perfect timing as I was taking one of my workmates to … Continue reading

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Tanker 10 at Avalon

While returning from Nykolai’s scout camp I dropped into Avalon airport (YMAV) to check out Tanker 10, a converted DC10 that’s now used as a super-heavy water bomber. It’s parked in the keyhole and not easily viewed without a huge … Continue reading

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Kodak Moments in the Valley

Once again crewing balloons in the Yarra Valley produced some amazing “Kodak Moments” today. Given the weather this morning, I was pretty sure we wouldn’t get to fly. On my way out to the shed at o-dark-hundred I was driving … Continue reading

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Fog, Balloons and some Lilydale Airport Action

The other morning I was crewing hot air balloons out in the Yarra Valley. It was very foggy so the drive out was “interesting” and we spent a couple of hours waiting for it to lift. While it was very … Continue reading

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First Air to Ground Filming?

Europa Film Treasures have made available some footage from the Austrian Film Archive showing Wilbur Wright demonstrating their aircraft in France. In addition to some low approaches and a landing, the 1909 silent movie film also includes a section where … Continue reading

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C5 Galaxy Interview at Avalon 2009

While at Avalon Airshow 2009, the team got to interview a C5 Galaxy pilot and film the aircraft opening up prior to letting the public walk through. Together with Captain Lee (our media liaison) we made our way down … Continue reading

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