Tag Archives: Avalon Airshow

Avalon Airshow 2007 – Day 4

Today started out chilly and with beautiful whispy fog clouds around 200′ – just below the tops of the hangars in the QANTAS maintenance part of the airport. We got to enjoy it for a little while then it was … Continue reading

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Avalon Airshow 2007 – Day 3

Day 3 of this airshow can be summarised by one thing: crazy lighties… The day was running reasonably slowly so we took a break down near the entrance to Bravo. Soon enough, we had a number of light aircraft (Cessna’s, … Continue reading

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Avalon Airshow 2007 – Day 2

Another day at Avalon started with rain on the way down and a few very light showers at first. Once they stopped, it was cool for the first half and then warmed up around midday. On arrival I went to … Continue reading

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Avalon Airshow 2007 – Day 1

From Grand Prix to Airshow, what’s the link? Yesterday I was at the Grand Prix watching cars and aircraft. Today I’m down at Avalon directing aircraft. Perhaps the link is the F18’s? The Roulettes? A 747? Yeah, them too – … Continue reading

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Survived Avalon

Avalon airshow finished on Sunday and I finished up on Monday – all went well and I got to experience things you just can’t buy. Things like clambering through warbirds, walking out to the wingtip of a C17, taking Nykolai … Continue reading

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Having Fun at Avalon

I’m still down at Avalon Airshow and having a blast working with the aircraft. A few of us have started judging the performances of the various aircraft during their routines, holding up the scores for the pilots to see as … Continue reading

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