Presenting at the AEWG during Avalon 2017

Thanks to having my Data Access and Analytics article published in Australian Defence Magazine, I was given the opportunity to provide a short presentation on the topic at the RAAF’s Aeronautical Environment Working Group (AEWG) seminar during Avalon 2017. The AEWG is a part of the RAAF’s “Plan Jericho” initiative that is converting the RAAF to a “Fifth Generation Air Force” to take full advantage of the new capacities being introduced by platforms such as the F-35, F-18F Super Hornet and EA-18G Growler.

The one day seminar was held on the Thursday in a large conference room during the Avalon Air Show and included a number of top-brass from RAAF, including the Deputy Chief of Air Force and a number of Air Commodores. Based on the article, I prepared a short slide-pack of info-graphics that highlighted the key elements and presented it to those assembled.

Who, me, nervous? :)

I’m told the presentation went well and, hopefully, it influenced some of those present to consider their information systems when bringing a new platform on line or approving the installation of a new Command & Control system.

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