Tag Archives: LOWG

EuroFun2 Sim Session – it worked this time

Earlier this month Carlo and I went into the simulator to fly the EuroFun tour we’d dreamed up, traveling from Graz, Austria (LOWG) to Milan, Italy (LOWI) to Lyon, France (LFLY) and then to Innsbruck back in Austria (LOWI). If … Continue reading

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Where’s my Banana?

On Monday night, Carlo and I once again strapped ourselves into the Flight Experience B737-800 simulator, turned on the cockpit DVR and commenced a process of ritual humiliation and embarrassment that reinforced to me how much we need to learn … Continue reading

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Getting Ready for Sim Flight “EuroFun”

I’m doing some flight planning in preparation for our next session in the simulator at Flight Experience. This time we’re going to do the following run: LOWG (Graz, Austria) to LIML (Milan, Italy) to LFLY (Lyon, France – Saint Exupery … Continue reading

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